Saturday, August 7, 2010

More Hair Help

Ok let's see if my sister is a SGHI reader! LOL ;) So my sister has been using Aveda products and her hair has been looking REALLY good - not only is it super shiny and just stepped out of the salon nice; but it looks like it grew a lot too! So I did what any sister would do and I stole some of her Aveda shampoo and conditioner, and some of the leave-in treatment she has too; and I loved it! That was like two weeks ago, and I haven't done it since [I swear] but I have been debating on whether I should go get some of my own. As I was shopping on Aveda's site I came across this Dry Remedy Moisturizing System by Aveda which claims to improve dry hair by up to 63%. Now I know this won't smell as wonderful as the CHI treatment that I was talking about earlier - but Aveda products are natural and as I have experienced; they work wonders on hair. I think I am going to give this kit a shot. I will keep you guys posted on how it all turns out!
Click here if you want to try it too.
Sister if you are reading this - sorry! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there's a salon that I go to sometimes that only uses aveda products. I havent bought them for home use but I think theyre great! Theres this shampoo, rosemary mint? so tingly! And the conditiners make your hair feel mad hydrated!
I may have to buy some too