Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Australia - Movie Review

Huge Moulin Rouge fan that I am, when Baz Luhrmann decided to team up with Nicole Kidman again for Australia, I thought I would have another movie to add to my favorites list.
Unfortunately, not so much.

Alicia was good enough to humor me, and sit through this long ass piece of work, and I think she would co-sign my review...
While the movie was not terrible, it was not entertaining enough to warrant it's 3 hour run time. A lot of subject matter was covered in those 3 hours, and while some of those themes were interesting, the treatment of Aborigine and "half-caste" people in Australia for example, much of it was not.
An entire 1:30 is dedicated to cattle droving! That's like full length film...about bulls...yeah...
The cattle droving certainly has a place in the film, but it's a lot to sit through waiting for something to happen.

I guess I was most disappointed because I've grown accustomed to a certain style of film from Luhrmann, his movies are majestic, love stories of a bygone era with a post-modern adrenaline shot. Australia had it's moments, but overall it just lacked that movie magic.

Here are 2 of my fave scenes from Baz Luhrmann films to make us all feel better.

Moulin Rouge - El Tango De Roxanne

William Shakespeare's Romeo + Juliet - "Kissing You" Scene
Remember last year when Beyonce got sued for the use of this song? Des'ree told her to leave it alone, but she just wouldn't...


Jessie said...

That scene from Romeo and Juliet and the song Kissin' You are so awesome. I love that song!

colly mack said...

Chez took me on a date to see Romeo and Juliet in the 9th grade. Damn, I loved that movie.