Thursday, July 24, 2008


After much deliberation, and hard work, we humbly present to you:
"She's Gotta Have It…Fashion, Fun, and Faux Lashes" You might ask, "Who are we?" Well, we are a dynamic trio that has chosen to dedicate our intelligence, experiences, thoughts, and advice to the public. It is very rare that one offers up herself to public scrutiny, but after a tiresome and grueling search of the web in hunt of a site that represents the fabulousness of everyday people, we came up wanting for more. So here we are, at your beck and call, the answer to what cyberspace has been missing :)

"She's Gotta Have It" is a blog for the stylish, ultra chic, trendy, and classy woman who likes to look and feel special everyday.


Fabulous clothing at great prices

Sharing the best beauty secrets.

Hanging out in the coolest spots.

Spending quality time with our friends, family, and loved ones.

Giving advice to a friend/person in need.

So, if these things are as near and dear to your heart as they are to ours, we invite you to join us.

We are here to recognize the countless everyday individuals who exude the same iridescent qualities of many of our favorite celebrities/public figures. We want to showcase our appreciation of these people because they perfect the art of looking fabulous within a budget. In addition, we are here to help those that want to be able to set themselves apart from the crowd but don't have the knowledge or self esteem to do so. Lastly, we also want to know what your thoughts are. So please feel free to comment on anything, there are no taboo subjects on this site. Your comments could be on something that we posted, to a great deal you've seen, or an excellent restaurant you've eaten in. Just as we are here to enlighten you, we'd also love for you to return the favor.

We'll be holding several contests all of which you will be notified of ahead of time. One ongoing competition will be our coveted "Tres Chic of the Week" which is where we will post pics of persons whose style we think "Killed It" and then choose the winner each week. We'll be looking out for you, but remember, since we all don't travel in the same circles, you may also enter by sending pictures of yourself to our email address. ( Let's see who can make it to our Hall of Fame!

We look forward to hearing from you soon. If you have any questions/ requests, comment on our blog or shoot us an email.

You can also check us out at



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