Saturday, July 26, 2008

Wet n Wild

I haven't used an eyeshadow base in years and my shadow still stays on all day sans creasing ... I believe that it's b/c I use wet shadow as a base and then use dry shadow to set it. Loose eyeshadow like Make Up Forever STAR POWDER - Iridescent Powder and B.E.'s glimmer shadows are ideal for this technique. What I like to do is dip my eyeshadow brush into the loose eyeshadow and tap it into the lid, then I run the tip of my eyeshadow brush under water for less then a second to dampen the brush. I swirl the brush in the lid and continue to add water until there is a pasty consistency. Then you apply the shadow as if you are painting it onto your lid. The resulting color will be vibrant, high shine, and mega glamorous! If you find this to be too va-va-voom, you can then take your dry shadow [and a different eyeshadow brush that's also dry] and apply it over this layer and just blend and buff to tone it down a bit... But if you are anything like me you will love the look of intense illumination that this trick gives!
Try it and let me know how it works out for ya!

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