Thursday, July 31, 2008

Plastic Bags Are Passe.

Go green with reusable shopping bags from envirosax

You need to get with this. Plastic bags litter parks, pollute water ways, and pile up in landfills where they will take 1000 years to break down. They are also made from valuable, non-renewable resources, such as natural gas and oil. (HELLO!)
Several countries including Bangladesh and China have already banned plastic bags. Canada, is currently working towards a ban as well.
I've seen some stores giving away free re-usable bags, or you can do your part for the earth in style. Envirosax, is one of many companies offering a variety of colors and prints on their re-useable shopping bags. Plus, they roll up nicely, and fit into your handbag, so you can be ready to whip it out whenever an occasion arises that USED to call for plastic.

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