Monday, November 17, 2008

Movie Review: Changeling & Secret Life Of Bees

The girls and I had an emotionally draining afternoon when we caught a "double feature" of:

Secret Life Of Bees

I wasn't crying, my eyes were just hot!

Bees was better than I expected. I read the book a while back, and I didn't love it. So it was one of the few times when, in my opinion, the movie surpassed the book. It was definitely entertaining, and had quite a few touching scenes. Alicia Keys has been on our shit list lately, and she was a mega-bitch in the movie, so we were mad at her. If you were interested in seeing the movie, go for it. But things come out on DVD/cable so quickly you may want to wait, if you aren't pressed about it.

Changeling was also good, but this time I expected it to be. Although I was Team Spike Lee in the war of words between Clint and Spike a few months back, I must admit that Clint Eastwood is an incredible filmmaker. If you're not up on his work, you should be. Try Blood Work, or Mystic River and take it from there.
Angelina Jolie did an amazing acting job, I think that was the standout feature of the film. Great work was also done by John Malkovich and Jason Butler Harner, the acting was definitely better than the actual telling of the story, which kind of leaves you yelling at the screen trying to tell the characters what to do. Still, altogether it's an excellent film.

Again, I won't say you should definitely spend your $11.00 on it, but if you go see a "double feature" like us, its only $5.50. Hey, in these times, you gotta stay criminal minded!

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