Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Aveda Follow Up... A Bit Hair Obsessed.

Hello ladies,
So I have to come clean; I sorta kinda have OCD. Just ask my sis how many times I have complained about my hair being damaged or fried AND I think I am addicted to getting my hair trimmed :-/ The longest that I seem able to go without a date with the clippers is about 4 months. I was trying to go for 6 months this time around but I cracked on Sunday... I almost had the shakes on Saturday calling every salon in the area to see who could squeeze me in... ok ok I have some issues.
The thing is I abuse my hair and its just not as healthy as it use to be. Of course I probably notice my crispy split ends more than anyone else, but I have to say [as I have posted previously] that Aveda seems to quite literally reverse the damage.... my hair is noticeably softer and there is no more crisp!

Here is the recipe for healthier hair; and look at that - it's won some awards:


Get Some Damage Remedy.

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